November 2019

utm tracking campaign url builder google analytics

Google Analytics UTM Tracking and Campaign URL Builder Tutorial

UTM Tracking can be valuable for a business owner who wants to understand the impact of their Marketing and Advertising campaigns. In addition, the Campaign URL Builder is useful to track paid and organic traffic from different sources. In the video below, I will explain how UTM Tracking works and how to create tracking URLs […]

Google Analytics UTM Tracking and Campaign URL Builder Tutorial Read More »

microsoft advertising dynamic search ads

Microsoft Advertising Dynamic Search Ads Tutorial

If you are using Microsoft Advertising, you want to learn how to create Microsoft Advertising dynamic search ads campaigns. You can import your campaigns directly from Google Ads, or you can create your own DSA campaigns. In the video below, I will go over a dynamic search ads tutorial for Microsoft Advertising. You can watch

Microsoft Advertising Dynamic Search Ads Tutorial Read More »

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