Content Marketing is difficult to learn at first, but we have some of the best content marketing tutorials, strategies, best practices, tips, and more. Our goal is to teach you how to market your content so you can drive website traffic and conversions for your business.

What is an Impression in Digital Marketing?

Impressions are an important metric in digital marketing that every marketer should understand. But what exactly is an impression, and why does it matter for your online marketing efforts? Impressions are important when it comes to Content Marketing, Paid Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and SEO campaigns. This in-depth guide covers everything you need to know.…

what is content marketing

What is Content Marketing? An Introduction For Beginners

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable content consistently to attract and retain your target audience. The goal of content marketing is to turn prospects into customers. This type of marketing differs from traditional paid advertising because it focuses on providing educational information rather than directly promoting a product or service. What…

keyword mapping seo

SEO Keyword Content Mapping: Complete Guide 2020

It can be difficult to connect your keyword research and content creation strategies. As you create more content, you want to connect organic search keywords to individual pieces of content. That’s why keyword content mapping is a great strategy that will keep your SEO content organized. You can watch our keyword mapping video below or…

rank higher in Google - Improve google rankings

How To Create Content That Ranks High In Search Engines

The biggest SEO challenge, in my opinion, is creating high-ranking content. You need to write detailed blog posts, utilize visuals like images, and incorporate related videos. And, you need to consistently create content to rank high in search engines like Google. In the video below, which is also available on YouTube, I cover my content…