Google Ads For Doctors and Healthcare

With most people using search engines to find nearby healthcare providers, being visible online is more important than ever. This is where Google Ads comes in. If you have a doctor’s office or you are a healthcare provider, Google Ads is the best way to appear at the top of Google. If your phone isn’t ringing enough and you have unfilled appointment spots, Search Engine Marketing is a great option to test.

Google Ads allows doctors to show targeted ads to potential patients right when they are searching for specific medical services. For example, a Dermatologist can target the keyword “Dermatologist near me” in their local market. Any time someone searches for a Dermatologist, they will see the targeted advertisement. Creating Google Ads campaigns can expand a doctor’s online visibility and help them connect with many more prospective patients.

Why Doctors Should Use Google Ads

With the healthcare industry being extremely competitive, Google Ads provides doctors with several key benefits:

  • Increased Online Visibility and Awareness – Google Ads makes it possible for doctors to get their practice and services in front of people actively looking for a healthcare provider, right at the critical moment when they are searching. This visibility can introduce doctors to many new patients.
  • Reach Patients in the Local Market – Local Google Ads campaigns allow doctors to reach patients searching for care in their specific geographic area. Doctors can gain more local patients without needing a wider physical presence.
  • Targeted Advertising with Keywords and Locations – Google Ads enables doctors to promote their services for specific conditions, symptoms, and procedures. Targeting ads ultra-precisely to potential patients leads to higher quality leads and conversions.

7-Step Strategy for Google Ads Campaigns for Doctors

Implementing an effective Google Ads campaign takes research, planning, and ongoing optimization. Here are 7 key steps doctors should follow:

1. Implement Conversion Tracking

Setting up conversion tracking is crucial for measuring the success of campaigns. Tracking phone calls, form fills, and appointments booked allows you to see what actions ads are driving and optimize accordingly. Understanding your conversions is key.

2. Keyword Research for Targeting Relevant Patients

Thorough keyword research ensures ads are shown to people searching for related medical services. Identify keywords potential patients use when looking for a doctor for specific conditions, symptoms, and procedures. Targeting precise keywords will connect your ads to more qualified visitors.

3. Organized Campaigns and Ad Groups

Structure campaigns and ad groups around medical specialties, conditions treated, and services offered. This organized structure allows for more targeted ads and better optimization. Keeping campaigns focused helps improve quality scores too.

4. Local Market Targeting

Tailor targeting to only show ads to potential patients in your geographic service area. Location targeting eliminates wasted spend and helps drive local phone calls and appointments.

5. Creating Compelling Ads with a Call to Action

Well-written, relevant ads are critical. Craft ads that grab attention with important information about your practice while persuading searchers to call or book appointments. Clear calls-to-action boost conversions.

6. Driving Traffic to Relevant and User-Friendly Landing Pages

Send visitors from ads to tailored landing pages that make it easy to convert. Pages with booking forms, contact info, and calls-to-action improve conversion rates.

7. Continuous Google Ads Optimization for Better Conversions

Regularly refine keywords, ads, landing pages, and targeting to improve performance. Optimization is key to achieving the best conversions and ROI from Google Ads.

Types of Doctors That Should Use Google Ads

Google Ads can benefit medical practices across a wide range of specialties. Here are some examples of doctors seeing success with Google Ads:

  • Cosmetic Dermatologists – Ads allow them to promote laser treatments, Botox, skin care, and more to local audiences.
  • Orthopedic Surgeons – Help them attract patients for joint replacements, sports medicine, pain management, and other orthopedic procedures.
  • Obstetricians & Gynecologists – Capture patients searching for OB/GYN services, fertility treatments, menopause care, and women’s health exams.
  • Cardiologists – Help heart doctors promote cardiovascular testing, heart surgery, hypertension treatment, and other heart care services.
  • Pediatricians – Enable targeting parents looking for pediatricians for children’s wellness visits, vaccinations, and managing childhood illnesses.
  • Dentists – Help them connect with patients needing dental cleanings, implants, braces, teeth whitening, and other dental care.
  • Ophthalmologists – Allow eye doctors to advertise LASIK surgery, cataract treatment, glaucoma management, and other vision care.
  • Radiologists – Help promote MRI, CT, ultrasound, mammography, and other medical imaging services.
  • Psychiatrists – Enable targeting people searching for psychiatrists for anxiety, depression, ADHD, addiction treatment, and more.
  • Urologists – Help them attract patients needing treatment for kidney stones, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and other urological issues.

The key is tailoring ads with relevant keywords for each specialty to connect with high-intent patients needing those specific medical services.

Understanding Google Ads Costs

Google Ads uses a pay-per-click pricing model. Advertisers pay only when someone clicks their ad, rather than paying simply for the ad to be displayed. Costs are driven by:

  • Bid Amount – The maximum advertisers pay per click. Optimizing bids is key for managing costs.
  • Competition – Higher competition for keywords increases costs. Less common terms are cheaper.
  • Quality Score – Better ad and landing page quality lowers costs.

Monitor costs closely and adjust bids and budgets to control spending while maximizing conversions. Start with small daily budgets and increase gradually as you optimize for better performance.

How to Hire a Google Ads Management Company

Getting professional Google Ads management is highly recommended for doctors to ensure successful campaigns. Healthcare marketing specialists like Surfside PPC can navigate the complexities of Google Ads and drive real patient acquisition results.

Key benefits of working with Surfside PPC include:

  • Deep expertise running Google Ads for medical practices
  • Proven success optimizing campaigns for patient conversions
  • Ongoing account optimization and regular performance reporting
  • Increased productivity by offloading ad management

Let Surfside PPC provide the Google Ads expertise to get your medical practice found online by more potential patients.

Hire Surfside PPC to Manage Your Google Ads for Your Healthcare Practice