google ads custom intent audience targeting

Google Ads Custom Intent Audiences Explained

One of the targeting options available in Google Ads is called ‘Custom Intent’ audiences. They were created so advertisers could essentially build their own In-Market audiences. Since many advertisers are focused on reaching customers as they research a specific purchase, custom intent targeting allows you to do just that. You can start by watching our…

microsoft advertising editor

Microsoft Advertising Editor: Complete Guide 2020

Microsoft is well known for providing a great experience and high-quality tools for its users. One tool for advertisers is the Microsoft Advertising Editor, which is available to everyone with a Windows or Mac computer. What is Microsoft Advertising Editor? Microsoft Advertising Editor is a PPC Advertising campaign management tool that allows you to work…

rank higher in Google - Improve google rankings

How To Create Content That Ranks High In Search Engines

The biggest SEO challenge, in my opinion, is creating high-ranking content. You need to write detailed blog posts, utilize visuals like images, and incorporate related videos. And, you need to consistently create content to rank high in search engines like Google. In the video below, which is also available on YouTube, I cover my content…
