Google Ads Affinity & Custom Affinity Audiences Explained
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Google Ads Affinity & Custom Affinity Audiences Explained

One of the targeting options you have in Google Ads is Affinity Audiences. What are Affinity audiences and Custom Affinity Audiences? They are a type of audience you can use or create and implement for your display, search, and video campaigns. If you want to learn more, start by watching the video embedded below or…

Google Ads In-Market Audiences Explained
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Google Ads In-Market Audiences Explained

When you are creating your Google Ads campaigns, the audiences you target are very important to your overall success. One of the main categories of people you can target are known as ‘In-Market’ audiences. With In-Market targeting, you can reach people who have shown they are in the market for a specific product or service….

Google Ads Custom Intent Audiences Explained
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Google Ads Custom Intent Audiences Explained

One of the targeting options available in Google Ads is called ‘Custom Intent’ audiences. They were created so advertisers could essentially build their own In-Market audiences. Since many advertisers are focused on reaching customers as they research a specific purchase, custom intent targeting allows you to do just that. You can start by watching our…

12 YouTube Advertising Strategies For Better Campaigns

12 YouTube Advertising Strategies For Better Campaigns

Along with Google Ads, YouTube Advertising has become a very popular marketing tool over the last decade. And since most businesses want to optimize for both Google and YouTube, it’s critical to follow certain strategies in order to avoid wasting your budget. In this article and our corresponding YouTube Tutorial, we will give you the…


How To Set-Up YouTube Video Advertising

Watch our video below to learn how to create your first YouTube video advertising campaign through Google AdWords. You want to link your YouTube account to your Google AdWords account and then it’s much easier to get started with video marketing through the YouTube Network with TrueView, In-Display, Banner ads, and Search ads. How to…

How to Make Money on YouTube

How to Make Money on YouTube

YouTube is home to some of the best video content because you can make money on YouTube. Since YouTube is owned by Google, they have incredible earning programs for YouTube video creators and channel owners. In addition to the YouTube Video Network, Google can connect Advertisers using Google AdWords and publishers using Google AdSense. Therefore,…


How To Add A YouTube Branded Subscribe Button to Videos

Watch our video below to discover how you can add YouTube Branded Subscribe buttons to all of the YouTube videos that live on your channel. It’s a quick and easy tutorial so there’s nothing overly intensive or complicated for implementation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Video Tutorial