Google Display Ads

Check out all of our blog posts related to Google display advertising and the Google display network (GDN). Our Google Display Ads blog is all you need to get started with campaigns, targeting, conversion tracking, ad creation, responsive display ads, and more. In addition, we cover Google Display Network examples as far as websites and YouTube channels. Lastly, if you want to learn how to set up Google Display Ads, we have a free course you can take.

google ads affinity audiences

Google Ads Affinity & Custom Affinity Audiences Explained

One of the targeting options you have in Google Ads is Affinity Audiences. What are Affinity audiences and Custom Affinity Audiences? They are a type of audience you can use or create and implement for your display, search, and video campaigns. If you want to learn more, start by watching the video embedded below or […]

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google ads in-market audiences

Google Ads In-Market Audiences Explained

When you are creating your Google Ads campaigns, the audiences you target are very important to your overall success. One of the main categories of people you can target are known as ‘In-Market’ audiences. With In-Market targeting, you can reach people who have shown they are in the market for a specific product or service.

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google ads custom intent audience targeting

Google Ads Custom Intent Audiences Explained

One of the targeting options available in Google Ads is called ‘Custom Intent’ audiences. They were created so advertisers could essentially build their own In-Market audiences. Since many advertisers are focused on reaching customers as they research a specific purchase, custom intent targeting allows you to do just that. You can start by watching our

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google ads conversion action set

How to Create Google Ads Conversion Action Sets

If you are trying to learn more about Google Ads conversion tracking, conversion action sets are a feature you need to understand. You can optimize for multiple conversions in your campaigns, and set Google Ads conversion action sets at the campaign-level. You can watch the full video below or watch the video directly on YouTube.

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improve click-through rate

Simple Ways to Improve Google Ads Click-Through Rate

When you are running Google Ads search campaigns, you need an above-average Click-Through Rate (CTR) in order to make the most of your budget. In this article, we will show you how to increase clicks without spending more money. I will give you my top Google Ads CTR optimization strategies. In addition, you can watch

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google display ads website targeting

Google Display Ads Website Targeting

One of the most popular targeting methods on the Google Display Network is Placement Targeting. It is a subset of content targeting, and one option with Google Ads is targeting website placements with your ads. Our video and corresponding article below will give you the step-by-step process for getting started with Google Display Advertising website

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